This application is provided as-is without warranty or support.
Development for this application is closed.
Supports DSD input files in .iso formats
Supports dual and multi-channel output
Supports DFF and DSF output mode
Transfers stored metadata from the original ISO file to the resulting
DSD file
Single file conversion or multiple file conversion in a given folder
Create a new folder called iso2dsd
Download and unzip its content into the iso2dsd folder
Download sacd_extract for the operating system you use and unzip its content
into the iso2dsd folder
Mac OSX Usage
Right-click the iso2dsd_gui.jar and select open
If you can open the iso2dsd_gui.jar file, but can't execute a conversion
use the Mac Terminal application and change to directory with the sacd_extract
file in it and run this command: chmod a+x sacd_extract
If you can open the iso2dsd_gui.jar file, but can't execute a conversion
replace letters in the file name that have an accent or double dots above/below
the letter with a standard letter.
Windows Usage
Double click on iso2dsd_gui.jar
Linux Usage
Right-click the iso2dsd_gui.jar, select Properties/Permissions, place
a check in the Execute box, and press close
Right click the iso2dsd_gui.jar select Open with other application and
select Jave
Conversion based on SACD-Ripper, open source (GNU -V2)